Modern Agricultural Techniques For Higher Production

Modern Agricultural Techniques For Higher Production

Modern Agricultural Techniques

Despite the food prosperity in India, there is a constant shortage of food grains in the country due to the increase in population. For this reason, the need of the people associated with agriculture is towards higher yield, and prosperous farming depends on the crop sown.

There are only two methods to make farming profitable – first, increase the production and secondly, reduce the cost. To manage the price of agriculture, the main inputs of agriculture like seeds, fertilizers, plant protection chemicals and irrigation systems should be used by balanced and modern methods.

Farming should be made profitable by using every unit of agriculture in the right way at the right time, stopping their wastage and finding its alternatives. The following suggestions can help the farmers to do better and economical agriculture as well as get more yield.

Use Of Good Quality Seeds, Seed Treatment And Timely Sowing

The seed is such an input that it has a very important role in prosperous farming. However, the cost of seed is about 10 to 15 per cent, and to get a good yield, it is essential that the seed should be of improved quality, and it should get favourable conditions to grow.

There are only two methods to obtain profitable farming – first, increase productivity and reduce cost. To control the cost of agriculture, the main inputs of agriculture like seeds, fertilizers, plant protection chemicals and irrigation systems should be used by balanced and modern methods.

Farming should be made profitable by using every unit of agriculture in the right way at the right time, stopping their wastage and finding its alternatives. The following suggestions can help the farmers to do better and economical agriculture as well as get more yield.

Early Tillage And Conservation Farming

Early ploughing provides a good medium for the seed to grow, and weed control is achieved. However, if the field is not ploughed flat, then the germination of seeds will be affected, and the growth of plants will be less. Zero tillage is a method of sowing in which the farmer does not plough the whole field anew but cuts the old crop and sow it on the same field.

Due to this, the cost of tillage, diesel, time etc., of the farmer is saved, and at the same time, nutrients, moisture, friendly bacteria are also conserved in the soil. Apart from this, the farmer can do sowing according to his convenience and time.

Weeds also come down in this method, due to which the cost of cultivation is also less. However, the natural structure of the soil should be maintained, which is very important for soil conservation and environmental protection.

Seeds And New Methods Of Sowing

Use the quantity of seed as recommended and sow in rows and rows. Seed drill machines are capable of sowing less seed and more area in less time. It is possible to sow an average area of 12 to 15 acres in a day by a mechanical drill. Sowing by seed drill can reduce the cost by about 50 per cent. By this method, equal distance is maintained between the plants, and their development is also good.

Proper Nutrition

Use the quantity of seed as recommended and sow in rows and rows. Seed drill machines are capable of sowing less seed and more area in less time. It is possible to sow an average area of 12 to 15 acres in a day with a mechanical drill. The cost of sowing by seed drill can be reduced by about 50 per cent. By this method, equal distance is maintained between the plants, and their development is also good.

Use Of Biofertilizers

Apart from this, the use of bacterial culture (Rhizobium) or Azotobacter is also helpful in increasing the yield. High yields are obtained by the balanced use of organic fertilizers as well as fertilizers. Bio-fertilizers are low-cost inputs, and comparatively, more benefits are obtained from them.

Adopt Advanced Irrigation Methods

With the use of advanced irrigation methods, the farmer can save time, labour and water, and this also improves the growth of plants. Therefore, irrigation should be done by using irrigation methods like Alternate Irrigation, Sprinkler Irrigation, Drip Irrigation etc.

Timely Harvesting, Proper Sorting And Storage

Timely ripening of the crop provides a fair market price and can save the farmer the effort and expense of drying and preserving. Farmers sell their produce by sorting it into different varieties. Along with this, harvesting, sorting and storage of the crop can be done easily with the help of a tractor. And the Mahindra 555  tractor is very capable of these operations. Along with this, the Mahindra 575 price list is also very affordable in the Indian tractor market, which easily fits in the farmers budget. 

Grading improves the physical appearance of the product and fetches a better price. However, due to improper storage, the quality of the product gets reduced, and as a result, it is not fetched well in the market.

We hope you like this informative information. Furthermore, if you require more about farm-related details, please stay connected with us and wait for our next blog.

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