Top 5 Features of Courier Delivery Apps

In this courier business review, we will look at the top five courier delivery apps in the App Store for both iOS and android. We have selected five of the most popular courier delivery services in the world as our example courier applications. There are many more that can be considered for this purpose. But in this case, we felt that these were the best of the crop – especially for consumers who need a courier app with a lot of features.
The first courier delivery app we will look at is courier dispatch
This courier delivery app allows you to make customised requests from your mobile device for all courier services to dispatch a specified type of courier service. You can specify whether the courier driver should pick up or drop off a package at your home or place of work.
Courier tracking system
It is important for courier businesses to monitor their fleet costs and this is exactly what the courier delivery app is designed to do. With courier tracking system, courier companies will have detailed information about their assets, including vehicle miles. So you can view the average driving mileage for each courier, including pickup and drop off points and how many pickups have been made. You can also see which drivers are most efficient in terms of making deliveries and what makes them most efficient in terms of customer service.
Real-time package location tracking
Another useful feature in courier delivery apps is a map that shows where your packages are currently located. This way, you will always know where your packages are, no matter where they are being delivered. This makes it very easy for you to go down to the courier depot or office and pick up a package when it is convenient for you. It also reduces your need for manpower, since you can always call a cab if you need to.
Auto Delivery Dispatch and Scheduling
The courier delivery app development that we are going to discuss in this article is courier dispatch. Courier dispatch makes it very easy for clients to track their couriers, especially when that courier does not have an online presence. When you are using a courier dispatch service, clients will be sent text messages or emails whenever a courier driver picks up a package and then the package is subsequently dispatched. Clients can also get a notification on their smartphone when their courier driver is sending a package so that they do not need to check the courier’s website in order to see when their package is due.
Customer Notifications and Alerts
Some courier dispatch apps are limited to certain networks, so it may be a good idea to check whether that courier network will work with your courier delivery apps. Certain courier companies only work with certain software, and if you cannot run your courier with the software that they provide, it could be a real problem. On the other hand, it may be worth investing in courier dispatch software that is not yet available on all courier companies. This way you can still use the app to track couriers that are partnered with your courier company.
Some people may think that a courier delivery app should be entirely supported by the courier company, but that simply is not the case. Most modern courier delivery apps are written in Java and written to communicate with the courier company through their mobile application. Even though most courier apps have their own online interface, many people will still use their mobile application instead of their website. The reason why most companies choose to go down the online route is because it is easier for the customer. Instead of having to visit their website and set up an account or login, customers can simply make use of their app.
To recap, when choosing which courier delivery app to use, you should consider the features that are most important to you. Of course it is obvious that you should only choose a courier delivery app that is compatible with your courier company, but beyond that, there are numerous factors that you need to take into consideration. The most important factor is obviously the courier dispatch functionality, but you should also take into consideration the pricing, features, interface, and other options that you have.