How To Make Your Old Website Resurface

The digital platform has evolved quite a lot and been more impressive since its begging. There are lots of websites that pop up are here and there. Why do I mention this? Websites or webpages are the populations of the digital platform or more accurately it represents us in the digital platform similar to our office address that represents our brand and business to their respective industries.
Now over the years, there were various websites launched for various platforms and purposes like Facebook, Twitter, etc. which are for social media platforms; Youtube, Vimeo, etc. for online video streaming platforms; Upwork, Patreon, Streaming Plug, etc which can help you to earn from home online; and many more which represent there respective brands and businesses. But if you had seen some of these sites when they first came out and compare them to their present state you would notice though the main functionalities might not have changed that much, it’s a different story for its looks and other functionalities that have been added later on. So what can you see from this?
We can see that these sites have kept their platform updated with the current trend. If they can achieve this so why can’t you? If you were looking back I am sure that some of you have had some websites that were either ignored because they didn’t bring much traffic or cause you to change professions you decided to build a new site with modern design and functionalities rather than updating the old. But why’s that? Websites are like a landmark that points towards you in the digital platform. So why are you ignoring them for no apparent reasons?
Yeah, those sites might be old and can’t keep up with the current trends but that doesn’t mean that they are worthless. Being present online for so long they are already indexed by search engines. At present they are like a sinking island but with these tweaks, it’s possible for them to be propelled back into the surface. But how so? Let’s find out, shall we?
- Analyze & Compare: The first thing you need to do is to carry out a complete analysis of your old site and mark out the things that it needs for it to be capable of going against its competitor. How are its functionalities, its design, its contents, and so on compared to its competitors?
- Redesign The Site: It’s obvious as I have already mentioned it but the chances of your old site design being outdated are pretty high. Let’s not forget over time people’s taste changes, as well as new improvements, are introduced to match the changing taste. If you look at today’s site design they are completely different from designs use 2 to 3 years ago. And it’s still changing. And besides a site’s look play a vital role in attracting visitors to it. So it’s best to design your site according to the current trends.
- Make It Structured: No matter whether you are creating a new one or redesigning an older one it needs to be structured. So it may be easier for visitors to explore the site more easily and effortlessly. And this is not only good for visitors but also for search engines as well when they crawl your site and discover the important pages quite easily.
- Fix You Links: Since your site was unattended for sometimes it’s natural for some of the links present on your site might have been expired or changed address so it’s best to update sich broken links. Such links can be harmful to both your site and for the visitors as well as they are misleading and a reason for the increase of bounce rate of your site.
- Update Your Site’s SEO: We all know the importance of SEO when it comes to ranking a site on the search engine. This also applies to old sites as well. If you want your to be revied and rank high completely then you update it according to SEO rules. Here are some of the key rules you should prioritize when fixing your site.
- Keyword research according to competitor analysis
- An optimized sitemap
- Optimized assets
- Right usage of HTML tags
- Keyword-rich content but no keyword stuffing
- Optimized meta tags
- Make sure that no broken links are found
- No misleading contents