7 Tips To Get Your Baby To Move in Your Womb

7 Tips To Get Your Baby To Move in Your Womb

aby To Move in Your Womb

One of the most exciting aspects of pregnancy is when you feel your little one moving in your womb. And movements are quite noticeable during the second trimester. So, it is only natural to feel concerned about your baby not moving enough towards the late third trimester. There can be many reasons for a baby’s limited movements, including lack of enough free space in the womb or being sleepy. Some babies generally move more while others love to stay quiet. However, sometimes, it can be a warning sign of something that has gone wrong. Don’t panic though. Read on to know more about fetal movements and what you can do to get your baby moving.

More on Fetal Movements

Before 30 weeks of pregnancy, fetal movement inside the womb is sporadic. Some days, the baby may move more, while on other days, they may choose to be calmer. Usually, most first-time mommies start feeling the movements around 20-22 weeks. Second-time mommies may feel the movements as early as 11-17 weeks. After 30 weeks, the movements become more regular. Some babies move all day, making the mom uncomfortable, while others may move less. Ideally, there should be about 10 movements in an hour. However, even if you get 5 movements, it is fine. If you do not feel any movement for more than two hours, seek medical help.

Sometimes, the baby may not be in a mood to move on their own in the womb. It may make you anxious, but there is nothing to worry about. 

Try These Eleven Tips to make Your Baby Move

  1. Eat a Snack: Babies respond to the sugar rush. Try eating a healthy snack such as a banana, nuts, yogurt or drink a glass of juice. The blood sugar will make your baby kick.
  2. Drink something :  Maybe a glass of cold milk. The natural sugar and temperature of the drink will trigger movement in the baby. 
  3. A cup of coffee : Can also do the trick. But you needn’t get too excited reading this. As you can’t consume coffee or caffeinated drinks, the way you did before you got pregnant. See, how much coffee should you say “yes” to during your pregnancy.
  4. Massage Your Belly: Gently massage your belly. You can also gently poke or jiggle your belly. This usually makes the baby kick hard.
  5. Take a Walk: Little physical exercise is good to make your baby active. Often radiologists ask pregnant women to do a little jump if they are unable to see the fetus during an ultrasound.
  6. Lie Down on Your Back: If you have an active lifestyle then your baby is used to the rhythm of abusy life. When you take a break and lie down it causes the baby to wake up and make movements. It also helps in noticing baby movements better.
  7. Talk to the Baby or Sing a Lullaby: Talking to your baby, playing some music or singing a lullaby is a way to make your baby active and respond.
  8. Poke Gently: Just like massaging your mummy-tummy makes your baby move, poking it gently, might make the baby respond with a kick or two. Ensure that you poke with caution and do not overdo it. 
  9. Do something that surprises or scares you: Since the adrenaline is coursing through your veins while you’re expecting, maybe watching a suspense or horror movie can give your baby a rush. 
  10. Take a Warm Bath: A relaxing bath in lukewarm water helps the mom to relax. The relaxed state helps the mother to listen to the baby better.
  11. Shine a Light: By the 22ndweek of pregnancy, a fetus can perceive light. Flashing light on your belly usually makes a baby either come towards it or go away from it, making you feel the movement. 


Usually, in the last stage of your pregnancy, the baby is unable to move due to the space crunch. But if you’re often expected to feel some light movements. In case you don’t and you feel these tips failing encourage movement in your baby, consult your gynaecologist immediately.  

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